Most students at Radford University had to drive a few hours from home to start off their college career. And during Family Weekend, everyone's parents are there but yours. They even have a place to go for Thanksgiving. It's a different story for international students. We know because we've been there.

what we do
Having a peer sponsor can make life so much easier at Radford. Our mission is to make you feel at home. We'll help you take advantage of everything from tutoring to weekend fun - even grocery shopping. Think of us as your personal assistants. We provide newcomers the opportunity to adjust to Radford University and the USA. Some things we do are listed below.
  • Help you move into the dorm
  • Introduce you to other int'l students
  • Explain the Student Information System and the portal
  • Grocery shopping
  • Tutoring
  • RU campus tours
  • Take you around town (your bank, Wal-Mart, etc.)
  • ...and much more!
who are we?
Peer sponsors are students your age who have adjusted to the RU environment and want to help you have a smooth experience. The entire executive board of ISAC are peer sponsors as well as other ISAC members.

need a sponsor?
Email us at and ask for one. It's that easy! Or call Multicultural & International Student Services at (540)831-5765 for information on how to get a peer sponsor. The center's hours are Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm. This center is like our second home so we're always there. Stop by and say hello!